Talk Tea with Monalisa
Let’s have REAL conversations about life and TRUE human nature. Tune in to Talk Tea with Monalisa as she discusses what people think and believe, but don’t necessarily talk about; from conversations that people may be ashamed to have and controversial topics that people tend to shy away from to mental health and life’s experiences. She will explore a realm beyond what we’ve been taught and conditioned to believe; alternatives to marriage, parenting, religion, relationships, personal development, and overcoming challenges. Grab your favorite mug, tune in, and get this tea! Monalisa will be serving it, piping hot!
2 episodes
A Candid Conversation, featuring: Cedric Ita-Eyo, MA, LPC
Monalisa is back and she's brought a friend, Cedric Ita-Eyo, MA, LPC. During this episode, Monalisa and Cedric open up as they reflect on dealing with the sickness and loss of parents. While the topic of conversation is a bit heavy...
Episode 2